Joseph M. Sorge is the principal in JM Sorge, Inc., an environmental consulting firm retained by MQI. He has done extensive testing of the soil brought into the quarry for use in construction of embankments against the steep quarry faces, and also of water in monitoring wells installed in these embankments.
A link follows to an analysis I made of data in a report Mr. Sorge submitted to the Planning Board in August 2012. This analysis is in a letter I submitted to the board on January 31, 2013. It was distributed to board members, but there was no discussion.
Click on Monitoring Well Test Results to see the analysis. Click on back arrow to return here.
Suggestion: The analysis letter has five pages of text and two of charts in Adobe pdf format. Open a second window with this page. Open the analysis in each window, then size each and put the two images of the letter side by side. Scroll thru the text in the left window and look at a chart in the right window when it is cited in the text.
The date of this post is set to the date I submitted my letter to Planning Board.
Note that the date of the last well sample in the Sorge report is February 7, 2012. This is the last well monitoring data I have seen.
Bill Allen, 07-20-14